Loan originations under the 504 loan program remain well below the level of the prior two years so far in FY2023. Through July 31, 2023, 504 loan originations are down 33.5% compared to the same point in FY2022, though this is a modest improvement from the 34.2%...
Loan originations under the 504 loan program remain well below the level of the prior two years so far in FY2023. Through June 30, 2023, 504 loan originations are down 34.2% compared to the same point in FY2022, though this is a modest improvement from the 35.8%...
Loan originations under the 504 loan program remain well below the level of the preceding year so far in FY2023, and are currently just slightly above where they were at the same point in FY2020. Through May 31, 2023, 504 loan originations are down 35.8% compared to...
Loan originations under the 504 loan program remain well below the level of the preceding year so far in FY2023, and are currently just slightly above where they were at the same point in FY2020. Through April 30, 2023, 504 loan originations are down 39.2% compared to...
Loan originations under the 504 loan program remain well below the level of the preceding year so far in FY2023, and are currently just slightly above where they were at the same point in FY2020. Through March 31, 2023, 504 loan originations are down 39.8% compared to...
The Equalize Community Development Fund (EQCDX) is a public mutual fund security designed to provide current income, in the form of quarterly dividends, from a portfolio of first lien Small Business Administration 504 loans and USDA Rural Development loans. The Fund...